Build & Share is a group facilitation method that builds on theory, research and application within positive psychology and narrative practices. When applied in groups the method helps you get deeper, more meaningful understanding of topics especially related to motivation, resilience and engagement.
Build & Share is a method that provides an engaging and more memorable approach to shared group understanding and self-exploration in areas related to well-being and optimal human functioning. Based on research that shows that literal hands-on, minds-on learning produces a deeper, more meaningful understanding of the world and its possibilities, Build & Share deepens the reflection process and supports an effective dialogue – for everyone in the group. This is done by posing reflective questions, but instead of answering these questions in the traditional way, participants build their answer in for example LEGO® and respond by using metaphors and narratives they have created themselves.
Sharing is fundamental
It is crucial that each person’s voice is heard during this process. Everybody shares what is on their minds, and everybody is listened to. This is very important in order to achieve the purposes of the Build & Share process: to let everyone share their thoughts in a constructive way and to give everybody a chance to hear each others’ points of view. Sharing is fundamental to Build & Share; on one hand sharing is done to create a common understanding of the group’s way of dealing with a situation, and on the other hand to create the best starting point for people to feel ownership for the reflections and ideas expressed. Eventually this will help them to arrive at the solutions and actions that need to be taken in order for them to enhance their well-being and group performance.
Who developed Build & Share?
The method has been developed my Mads Bab who runs the Danish based consultancy Gnist (Danish word for Spark). Mads holds a MSc in Applied Positive Psychology, is an international keynote speaker, published author and part time associate professor at the Danish Positive Psychology Master Program. The driver behind the creation of Build & Share is a dedicated approach to develop more powerful ways for, especially, groups to explore concepts within positive psychology. It is startling how few new intervention and group facilitation methods that have been developed over the last decade. Build & Share is a dedicated approach to enhance the effect of scientific validated interventions in groups by applying tactile elements to ensure a more tangible learning process.
Applying Build & Share in your workshops
Build & Share has been offered in various formats over the last 5 years. It has been introduced with a very positive response at conferences in Denmark, USA and China. Now the time has come to offer this exciting method to more facilitators around the globe.
The method builds on a three step core-process consisting of these important steps:
- Questions that explore
- Building meaning
- Sharing & Reflection
Learning the method is easy, becoming proficient takes practice. This is why we offer the Build & Share Handbook and online community as well as exclusive certification courses once a year in Denmark and through partners around the world. Becoming a certified facilitator will give you the opportunity to market your self and your offerings with the Build & Share brand.