Positive Psychology

Central to the use of LEGO® SERIOUS® PLAY® for Positive Psychology is the use of narratives and metaphors that makes it easy for participants to share complex insights. The shared narratives enable collaborative learning and constructive discussions that again fuel creative thinking, ideation and motivation to change.

Through the creation of models, metaphors and narratives, we can explore strengths and other positive qualities, and employ LEGO® to implement positive psychology interventions for positive storytelling in the wide sense of this word. When doing this, we may expect a positive impact on the following outcome variables:

  • Intrinsic motivation. Ryan and Deci (2000) posit two fundamental types of motivation: intrinsic and extrinsic. An intrinsically motivated person is moved to act for the fun or challenge involved in the task rather than for external urges, pressures, or possible rewards. Using components of plat is frequently associated with fun, thus potentially tapping into one’s intrinsic motivation.
  • Confidence. When there is an undeniable danger of low confidence and negative mindset. LEGO® SERIOUS® PLAY® for Positive Psychology can be used to identify and talk through existing evidence of previous achievements, which is the most important means of developing confidence.
  • Creativity. Based on our previous experience of techniques such as visual brainstorming, image brain mapping and visualisation, we are confident in stating that the use of LEGO® facilitates and dramatically improves creativity and problem solving. Constructing novel shared stories around the same situation is another possible means of creativity enhancement.
  • Strengths use. Models and metaphors, when helping the construction of positive stories, can be used to illustrate and contextualise our strengths. A person who is able to identify and put their strengths into daily use will build a strong, healthy relationship with him/herself and others. Strengths rhetoric also legitimates a more positive approach to relationships development.
  • Teamwork. When used in groups, LEGO® SERIOUS® PLAY® is a helpful intervention for team building. Inviting others to take a part in the creation of a new perspective or finding a solution together, generates a spirit of sharing and belonging, developing interpersonal and group skills.
  • Metaperspective acknowledges that everything has a positive and negative side. It allows us to see both the benefits and downsides of strengths and competences. Metaperspective is a mature approach to personal development, resulting in: balance, acceptance, tolerance and development of the whole person. Creating stories through visual means, may enable us to adopt a more holistic approach to the situation and put it in perspective.